Conformation will be received at time of booking, unless booked within 1 day of travel. In this case confirmation will be received as soon as possible, subject to availability
Minimum Age is 8 years and minimum height is 57 inches tall. It is at the pilots discretion who is deemed safe to fly
Not wheelchair accessible
Must provide on the road phone number at time of booking. Failure to provide this information will result in cancellation
Guests with weights of 275 lbs (125 kg) or more will be charged an additional fee of $299
All Travelers should have a moderate physical fitness level​, no heart problems, other serious medical conditions, have back issues or be pregnant
Scuba Diving in the days prior to flight is not recommended whatsoever, nor suffering from chronic pain, have a recent injury or who have recently had major surgery.
Limited participation must be considered for anyone who is unable to stand without assistance for more than an hour or who requires assistance walking or cannot climb stairs.
Load is limited to a maximum of 4 passengers